We humans make appointments for everything.
We have appointments to fix our car, cut our hair, see the doctor, view a house, have coffee with someone, workout at the gym.
Some appointments are fun, like the one i had this past weekend.
I got another tattoo.
It was the one year anniversary of my diagnosis last saturday. I didn't want to sit at home and be all sad about it.
I was lucky enough to get an amazing gift of a beautiful tattoo from Erick at Redemption Tattoo in Cambridge MA.
I had the idea and he designed it.
My appointment was for 4pm. I took a bus to NH and met up with a friend who drove us to Cambridge MA, we got lost a bit, but having a cell phone helps, Erick led us there. The tattoo took about 2 1/2 hours and that last half hour i was about ready to jump off the table. Very intense. So worth it though. Poor Nancy wanted to run out of the shop due to the noise, shes not a fan. Thanks for being a trouper Nanc!
I had bought a bottle of champagne in NH and we opened it after the shop was closed and toasted with little plastic cups.
I had a great time with Erick, Steph, Salty Dave, Deirdre and Mike and of course my Nancy!
Thanks for a great night !
That was one appointment I didnt mind going to at all!
I had my not so fun appointments lately, one with my oncologist, one with my surgeon and one with my dermatologist.
good news is the pathology of the bits tested from my surgery came back a.o.k.
I walked over an hour today, felt good. Feels great in general to be getting back to my old self again.
Just have a few sore spots, some self induced :)