Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Ostara!

Its officially spring!

It does not feel or look much like spring outside, but its in the air.

The vibrations of spring are bubbling up.

I hear the birds singing again, seeing Canadian geese.

All good signs.

It really is amazing how all of a sudden you just know its spring. Mother Nature is quite amazing, Mother Earth, Gaia etc....

I believe its the year for women/womyn to show their strength again. Hopefully not in an aggressive manner. But i do believe some people have forgotten how amazing, smart, creative, powerful, influential, women/womyn can be!

Not to mention how beautiful and unique!

I've been trying to get back in touch with my feminine side.

I'm finding it a bit challenging.

With all the scars and hormonal changes, not to mention the osteoporosis, its been a challenge to feel beautiful and attractive. I'm still single, so its a bit of an issue.

will i find someone who will accept my scars and all the issues i have, see the woman/womyn within?

First i need to see it!

Blessed Be!

Monday, March 17, 2008

ST Paddys Day!

Happy ST Patricks Day!

What does it mean to be a saint? I know the dictionary definition is something about being sainted by the church. Only the catholic church? I remember something about Joan of Arc almost becoming a saint, or maybe she recently was dubbed a saint. Only centuries later. Why is it that it takes so long to apologize or give someone what most people think they deserve?

Its like when painters die, they suddenly become worth so much more, monetarily that is.

It would be nice to honor one another now, not wait for something big or over the top to fully recognize the true value in each of us.

So, have a pint of Guinness, kiss a leprecaun, press a four leaf clover in a book, eat a shamrock cookie!

Have a good day and why not look to your loved one and appreciate their "value" now!