Ok, I must be in a "blogging-type-of-mood" today, since this is the THIRD post I posted this morning.
I realized I haven't updated you all on what's happening with the documentary film.
Well, some disappointing news....the first film makers told me they are backing out of the film. Not making it anymore. I won't get into all the reasons why and so forth.....I'm not here to bash anyones' reputation or gossip etc....
I will say for me that it was a bit like a rug being pulled out from under me. I opened up myself to my inner feelings and had a LOT of hopes for the film to continue. It seems we had different visions for the film.
Lessons learned.
All is not lost.
The other film maker I had mentioned meeting with has discussed with me the option of doing a shorter film. Maybe even a 15 minute film. More if the footage needs to be out there. We'll assess as things happen. We are going to meet soon to start with some interviews (filmed) and go from there.
So, I feel like I learned a lot about what I want and don't want for MY film and to also trust the film maker and let go of some of the control as well. There is a balance to be found that I'm sure we'll all get to regarding the film.
I feel strongly that the film needs to get out there in the world somehow and someway. I will work on trusting that it will work out the way it is supposed to.
Letting go of the doves and trust they find their destination.
I will update about the film as things happen.
Thank you all SO very much for reading my blog and if you can post a comment from time to time I would love to hear from you all too and what you think. Even if you do not agree with me, your point of view is important to me.
Peace and Love
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I wanted to also post today about two things...
I had a WONDERFUL reiki session with my friends Starcat and Quester. So healing!!
Starcat has a book out that I wanted to share with you all.
It is titled "Starcat's Corner, Essays on Pagan Living"
She is a fantastic writer and I recommend you check it out! Congrats to Starcat for
having a dream come true, being published, yay!!!
To order her book go to
www.moon-books.net and go to the ordering section.
Blessed Be Ya'll!
I had a WONDERFUL reiki session with my friends Starcat and Quester. So healing!!
Starcat has a book out that I wanted to share with you all.
It is titled "Starcat's Corner, Essays on Pagan Living"
She is a fantastic writer and I recommend you check it out! Congrats to Starcat for
having a dream come true, being published, yay!!!
To order her book go to
www.moon-books.net and go to the ordering section.
Blessed Be Ya'll!
Thoughts on a foggy morning
It's around 7:30am on a foggy Saturday morning. I am awake, why?! Well, lots of thoughts in my head and my body seems to want me to get up around this time every morning and take some medication to help with the pain and so forth. My cat Stewie also paws my face to feed him. He IS after all the male of the house hold and demands his breakfast. He hasn't gotten the memo yet that being male does not mean he rules this house. lol....what we cat lovers do for our cats huh? I do love him so.
Fear and the hour glass image are in my head now. (yes, the one from the Wizard of OZ)
Nausea has been more prominent and the fatigue going along for the ride has made itself known and wants to increase in size too. It feels like someone suddenly throws a heavy blanket over me without me seeing it coming.
That in turn along with other anxieties has caused me to want to see people more and more and NOW!
Some people want to schedule visits..... then due to their busy lives they look at February and I just can't seem to go there yet. It seems too far away and out of reach right now. Part of me says that February may not come for me. I think it will, its just that it may not LOOK the same for me. What do I mean by that? Well, I'm afraid that by February I will be bed bound. Not be able to leave my apartment. Be nauseous all the time and tired all the time. Thats the fear I'm feeling now.
I want to schedule activities that I want to do that I fear I will not be able to do in a months time. Like for instance seeing my nieces and nephews. Going somewhere other than my small apartment to see them is somehow crucial to me right now. I'm seeing activities that I know I can't do in my apartment.
So in turn I may be stressing some people out by putting pressure on them to find a day SOON to see me or else it just won't happen!!
It's the fear talking
What if the fear is justified? What if I am correct in thinking that by February I will be in the position I fear I will be? Do I have a right to ask, in an excited way, for a visit with my children relatives soon while I can? Is that too much to ask? Maybe it is? Maybe it isn't?
When fear comes up in me, it can come up as my little girl who wants to throw a tantrum and say "I demand you drop everything and make this happen because I am dying and so I trump anything else going on in YOUR life! " Damnit!!!.....had to add that part too....you can't have a tantrum without swearing just a little bit right? lol
But seriously......Where is it justified or acceptable to throw a tantrum and say "look, this is really important to me so move mountains to make this work, because if not it just won't EVER happen." ?
I really am not sure. This is why I write these questions out here to ponder.
Everyone has busy lives. I really DO understand. I don't have children and no, i don't understand that part at all. But I do understand that we create our busy lives by choice. There is ALWAYS a way to make your life less stressful if you look deep down and face those fears. Whether they be being honest with your immediate family and say you need help and make it happen, or be honest with yourself and say you "need" to control everything, but do you really? I ask myself these questions too. I certainly don't have all the answers. But I DO have questions.
My oncologist used to laugh at my list of questions I would write down and bring in with me at EVERY visit. I'm a question asker. Thats who I am. Also a truth-teller. It's a real thing, you can google it. :)
I just put these questions out there for you all to ponder as well.
Are you living the life YOU want to live and if not, why not? How can you make your life less stress-filled? It CAN be done. Honesty I believe is the key. Even if it hurts the ones around you, they will still love you. If not, then did they really love you in the first place?
Again, I"m not trying to play guru or someone who has all the answers. I have been thru a lot of different colored and different shaped experiences of this life. I do know what has worked and what had not worked for me.
I just want to share these thoughts with you all. You can choose to take some of the questions and ponder them or take none of them and think i'm nuts. Well, .....I am nuts...... but I like it that way. :)
So, for ME, I'm going to try and sit back a bit and ponder what the fear looks like now and how I can understand what it's trying to communicate with me.
One more fear and I'll sign off I promise....lol
I'm fearful that when I just sit back and NOT try to make appointments happen, that next thing you know I'm gone, dead, .......disappeared. Regrets then sink in.......
Maybe thats the biggest fear for me now?
What about you? What are your deepest fears?
I'm going to look at today as today and go have some yummy sushi with my dad and step mom. Today is Today.
Blessings to you all
Fear and the hour glass image are in my head now. (yes, the one from the Wizard of OZ)
Nausea has been more prominent and the fatigue going along for the ride has made itself known and wants to increase in size too. It feels like someone suddenly throws a heavy blanket over me without me seeing it coming.
That in turn along with other anxieties has caused me to want to see people more and more and NOW!
Some people want to schedule visits..... then due to their busy lives they look at February and I just can't seem to go there yet. It seems too far away and out of reach right now. Part of me says that February may not come for me. I think it will, its just that it may not LOOK the same for me. What do I mean by that? Well, I'm afraid that by February I will be bed bound. Not be able to leave my apartment. Be nauseous all the time and tired all the time. Thats the fear I'm feeling now.
I want to schedule activities that I want to do that I fear I will not be able to do in a months time. Like for instance seeing my nieces and nephews. Going somewhere other than my small apartment to see them is somehow crucial to me right now. I'm seeing activities that I know I can't do in my apartment.
So in turn I may be stressing some people out by putting pressure on them to find a day SOON to see me or else it just won't happen!!
It's the fear talking
What if the fear is justified? What if I am correct in thinking that by February I will be in the position I fear I will be? Do I have a right to ask, in an excited way, for a visit with my children relatives soon while I can? Is that too much to ask? Maybe it is? Maybe it isn't?
When fear comes up in me, it can come up as my little girl who wants to throw a tantrum and say "I demand you drop everything and make this happen because I am dying and so I trump anything else going on in YOUR life! " Damnit!!!.....had to add that part too....you can't have a tantrum without swearing just a little bit right? lol
But seriously......Where is it justified or acceptable to throw a tantrum and say "look, this is really important to me so move mountains to make this work, because if not it just won't EVER happen." ?
I really am not sure. This is why I write these questions out here to ponder.
Everyone has busy lives. I really DO understand. I don't have children and no, i don't understand that part at all. But I do understand that we create our busy lives by choice. There is ALWAYS a way to make your life less stressful if you look deep down and face those fears. Whether they be being honest with your immediate family and say you need help and make it happen, or be honest with yourself and say you "need" to control everything, but do you really? I ask myself these questions too. I certainly don't have all the answers. But I DO have questions.
My oncologist used to laugh at my list of questions I would write down and bring in with me at EVERY visit. I'm a question asker. Thats who I am. Also a truth-teller. It's a real thing, you can google it. :)
I just put these questions out there for you all to ponder as well.
Are you living the life YOU want to live and if not, why not? How can you make your life less stress-filled? It CAN be done. Honesty I believe is the key. Even if it hurts the ones around you, they will still love you. If not, then did they really love you in the first place?
Again, I"m not trying to play guru or someone who has all the answers. I have been thru a lot of different colored and different shaped experiences of this life. I do know what has worked and what had not worked for me.
I just want to share these thoughts with you all. You can choose to take some of the questions and ponder them or take none of them and think i'm nuts. Well, .....I am nuts...... but I like it that way. :)
So, for ME, I'm going to try and sit back a bit and ponder what the fear looks like now and how I can understand what it's trying to communicate with me.
One more fear and I'll sign off I promise....lol
I'm fearful that when I just sit back and NOT try to make appointments happen, that next thing you know I'm gone, dead, .......disappeared. Regrets then sink in.......
Maybe thats the biggest fear for me now?
What about you? What are your deepest fears?
I'm going to look at today as today and go have some yummy sushi with my dad and step mom. Today is Today.
Blessings to you all
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Food for Thought
Lessons Learned------Lessons Shared
By Susan Sanderford and her husband Milt
'When we leave this physical body we are immediately birthed back into the spirit dimension, that place we all came from and to which we all one day will return. That dying process is literally a graduation back to the place we all know as "home." An existence of unimaginable beauty, comfort, peace, that must cause our first return-thought to be—"Why in the hell did I ever choose to leave this place?"
We learned if our physical death is caused by a violent action, our souls— the very essence of who and what we are, our eternal souls are removed from our physical bodies before that violent action takes place. In other words, before the impact of the car crash, before the fire can consume us, before the explosion takes place, before the bullet strikes—we are whisked away before there is a chance for us to experience the trauma, discomfort or pain. This act of grace allows for a smooth and painless transition.
We pop out of our physical earth-suit and are immediately surrounded by loved ones who have passed over before, along with our spirit guides and angels. As Milt's mom Trudy explained, the reunion takes place producing a euphoric-like feeling. No fear, no stress, no wondering WHY? A major celebration takes place. After all—after having made such a journey to experience earth-school—no matter for a year or a hundred years in earth-time—we're finally back HOME!
As great as that sounds, and as great an experience that may be for the person who just died—the loved one remaining on the earth plane rarely feels that euphoria, that sense of celebration, that envelopment in love and peace. The remaining loved one usually feels a part of their heart has been torn out in a painful manner. The remaining loved one feels an overwhelming sense of loss and emptiness. Not only from the physical loss - but the loss of a dream of what might have been. That future together, places to go and things to do.
Why is that reaction to the same experience so dramatically different? Well, in truth, it's rather easy to understand. When we live in human form here on planet earth-school, our understanding is limited to the development of our human minds. From the earliest of time we've been taught to fear death—by our parents and church. We're told that death can eventually be a good thing—a place in heaven—or a very bad thing, tortuous exposure to the fires of hell and satin himself.
We're led to believe the finality of death—the ending of our existence. We're usually not exposed to the truth—that death is merely a rebirth back to the spirit dimension, that place of eternal growth and learning , surround by love, comfort and peace. That return to home and all that is good.'
Acceptance and Gratitude
Hi Ya'll
I have been on an up and down roller coaster since my last post. Wow!
Christmas dinner was lovely, even if it was on New Years Day, due to my poor mom who
had the flu and couldn't be around me due to my compromised immune system.
It can be a lonely place, to feel like the girl in the plastic bubble. Everyone tiptoeing around me, wondering what to say or what not to say.
I have made some mistakes, ......hell, lots of them. LOL
I am on an unfamiliar journey. At least I don't consciously remember going thru the death process before this life time. I'm bound to make some mistakes, hurt peoples' feelings. Its par for the course.
I got home from a wonderful support group at the Cancer Community Center a little while ago.
The people there in the group are all so special. I try not to use Brave and Courageous, even though its the truth. I want to say that they are all so "present" to their own journeys. They are living WITH cancer. Every day they are experiencing something new that involves cancer. A new pain, a new symptom, a new diagnosis, a new treatment option. Or the waiting game. Waiting for results to come in. Waiting for hope that this next treatment or clinical trial will be the one that will cure them!! Waiting.....
Aren't we ALL waiting to die in some sense? We're all going to die some day.
Having a major illness is something that people who do not have it, can't even begin to understand what it's like. Thats why I am so grateful for this group and for the center in general. A place where people can go and feel like they don't have to put on the "face". Be comfortable and take off the wig or show your scars without judgment.
Its an understanding. People nodding their heads as I speak of something they can relate to. Its so comforting and validating to have that kind of support.
I'm trying to learn acceptance now. I've mentioned that before.
Well, I"m still workin' on it. :)
The nausea is getting worse the last few days. I made it an hour and a half with a friend of mine yesterday, before I had to head home due to feeling awful and exhausted.
I was able to make it to group today but again, I'm worn out.
Maybe, as a woman today said to me, I am here for some purpose I don't yet know about?
Have you noticed the trees out your window today? It's windy here today and they are blowing around, like a dance. Beautiful!
It's the seemingly small things that make me smile the most lately.
More later.....stay tuned :)
I have been on an up and down roller coaster since my last post. Wow!
Christmas dinner was lovely, even if it was on New Years Day, due to my poor mom who
had the flu and couldn't be around me due to my compromised immune system.
It can be a lonely place, to feel like the girl in the plastic bubble. Everyone tiptoeing around me, wondering what to say or what not to say.
I have made some mistakes, ......hell, lots of them. LOL
I am on an unfamiliar journey. At least I don't consciously remember going thru the death process before this life time. I'm bound to make some mistakes, hurt peoples' feelings. Its par for the course.
I got home from a wonderful support group at the Cancer Community Center a little while ago.
The people there in the group are all so special. I try not to use Brave and Courageous, even though its the truth. I want to say that they are all so "present" to their own journeys. They are living WITH cancer. Every day they are experiencing something new that involves cancer. A new pain, a new symptom, a new diagnosis, a new treatment option. Or the waiting game. Waiting for results to come in. Waiting for hope that this next treatment or clinical trial will be the one that will cure them!! Waiting.....
Aren't we ALL waiting to die in some sense? We're all going to die some day.
Having a major illness is something that people who do not have it, can't even begin to understand what it's like. Thats why I am so grateful for this group and for the center in general. A place where people can go and feel like they don't have to put on the "face". Be comfortable and take off the wig or show your scars without judgment.
Its an understanding. People nodding their heads as I speak of something they can relate to. Its so comforting and validating to have that kind of support.
I'm trying to learn acceptance now. I've mentioned that before.
Well, I"m still workin' on it. :)
The nausea is getting worse the last few days. I made it an hour and a half with a friend of mine yesterday, before I had to head home due to feeling awful and exhausted.
I was able to make it to group today but again, I'm worn out.
Maybe, as a woman today said to me, I am here for some purpose I don't yet know about?
Have you noticed the trees out your window today? It's windy here today and they are blowing around, like a dance. Beautiful!
It's the seemingly small things that make me smile the most lately.
More later.....stay tuned :)
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Simple Things?
Hi ya'll
This morning I woke up to find 14 mourning doves in the tree out my window. A light snow falling. Beautiful! I feed the birds on my little window ledge. Only about 4 doves can fit at a time. The others wait their turn. Stewie is also watching from below, hoping I will open the window for him to jump up and grab one of them. Not gonna happen Stewie. LOL
I wanted to blog about a few things, I'll start with one and see how long I blather on.
There are certain things that I'm sure everyone does at the beginning of a new year. Like turn your calendar over or put up a new one. Start to write 2013 on checks and papers etc....
Well, I always get a new planner and then take my old one, go thru it from the beginning of last year, and write down in my new calendar, all the birthdays, anniversaries, including death anniversaries, and important dates to remember,...all go in my new planner.
Seems pretty simple and boring right?
Well, I thought so too until I started to do so this year.
I got to about April/May and then thought to myself...."I don't know why I'm doing this?, I'm not going to be here by then." I keep adding dates anyway. Then I get to June and start reading how I found out about the cancer coming back. How it all started. What my days looked like then. All the tests scheduled to see what was going on. We first thought it was just pneumonia. Which of course isn't a picnic and can be deadly, don't get me wrong. I just didn't think it was the cancer coming back.
So, I then get to October, my birthday month and all these emotions start to come up. I keep adding the dates anyway. I laugh and think that maybe my friend Nancy can have my planner and she can add the birthdays that maybe she forgets about or anniversary dates etc..... So, I write a little smiley face here and there imagining her coming across them later on after I"m gone and laughing. Or.....
I made it all the way to December of 2013. I like to finish a project when I start one, but this one was tricky. I didn't see that one coming. The emotions that could come from such a simple act as adding birthdays to a calendar.
You just never know.
This morning I woke up to find 14 mourning doves in the tree out my window. A light snow falling. Beautiful! I feed the birds on my little window ledge. Only about 4 doves can fit at a time. The others wait their turn. Stewie is also watching from below, hoping I will open the window for him to jump up and grab one of them. Not gonna happen Stewie. LOL
I wanted to blog about a few things, I'll start with one and see how long I blather on.
There are certain things that I'm sure everyone does at the beginning of a new year. Like turn your calendar over or put up a new one. Start to write 2013 on checks and papers etc....
Well, I always get a new planner and then take my old one, go thru it from the beginning of last year, and write down in my new calendar, all the birthdays, anniversaries, including death anniversaries, and important dates to remember,...all go in my new planner.
Seems pretty simple and boring right?
Well, I thought so too until I started to do so this year.
I got to about April/May and then thought to myself...."I don't know why I'm doing this?, I'm not going to be here by then." I keep adding dates anyway. Then I get to June and start reading how I found out about the cancer coming back. How it all started. What my days looked like then. All the tests scheduled to see what was going on. We first thought it was just pneumonia. Which of course isn't a picnic and can be deadly, don't get me wrong. I just didn't think it was the cancer coming back.
So, I then get to October, my birthday month and all these emotions start to come up. I keep adding the dates anyway. I laugh and think that maybe my friend Nancy can have my planner and she can add the birthdays that maybe she forgets about or anniversary dates etc..... So, I write a little smiley face here and there imagining her coming across them later on after I"m gone and laughing. Or.....
I made it all the way to December of 2013. I like to finish a project when I start one, but this one was tricky. I didn't see that one coming. The emotions that could come from such a simple act as adding birthdays to a calendar.
You just never know.
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