Saturday, January 12, 2013


I wanted to also post today about two things...

I had a WONDERFUL reiki session with my friends Starcat and Quester. So healing!!

Starcat has a book out that I wanted to share with you all.

It is titled "Starcat's Corner, Essays on Pagan Living"

She is a fantastic writer and I recommend you check it out! Congrats to Starcat for
having a dream come true, being published, yay!!!

To order her book go to and go to the ordering section.

Blessed Be Ya'll!


1 comment:

Nikki Starcat Shields said...

Thanks Jenn, for sharing my book info! I so much appreciate all your support!

Love the blogs today. I too have questioned my busy schedule. I've been practicing only doing things that are a "Yes!" to me.

Love you!