Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Duck Boat and Acceptance

Wow has it been HUMID here in the Northeast!! 90's today and humid. That is not the best recipe for me and my lungs.

I went on whats called the Duck Boat with my mom, aunt and uncle. I learned some things about Portland that I didn't know about. There was a handsome guide so that was nice on my eyes. hee hee hee. I even dressed up with a new mini ruffly skirt. Kept me cool in the heat. The Duck Boat spends about a half hour on land and a half hour in the water.

I had about 45 mins after I got home after we all had some lunch before another friend came by to visit.

I have A/C, granted its not the best one but its not horrible and it was free last year, so i'm sooooo grateful for it. So, even with the A/C my breathing is not good. I find that when I talk fast or a lot that I am suddenly out of breath. I at one point today, with my friend, thought I may hyperventilate.

I wish I could lay down now and sleep for a while, but I have my step sister coming over for a bit to visit. She will understand me not being able to talk a lot. I don't get a lot of chances to see her so I grab the time when I can get it.

It's just so frustrating not being able to take a nap, feel regenerated and go out again to do the next activity. Nope, I'm done. I could have one or two people over here for an hour or two to chat or listen to a podcast or maybe watch a movie but that's about the extent of it.

When relatives visited in the past, I would see them for breakfast, we might go for a walk somewhere after, or go shopping a bit, then maybe a rest, then out to dinner somewhere fun.

Well, not for me anymore.

I know I'm whining......It's my blog, I'm allowed to , so there! lol

I watched "my" film again with my friend who hadn't seen it yet. So that makes the 4th time I'd seen it. I got a little teary eyed when I was crying in the film saying pretty much what I am now writing about. About how the fatigue is so much more and I can't do what I used to be able to do. My aunt and uncle are only staying for four full days. I want to do as much as possible with them but my body says NO! It just pisses me off. Makes me want to crawl into bed and not get out.

I am so grateful for SO many things I still have in my life and for so many things I still CAN do now but sometimes I still get pissed off. Acceptance is a bitch, let me tell ya.



dreaming in maine said...

I have always wanted to do the duck boat...will definitely have to put it closer to the top of my list now!

Being tired sucks :( I'm sure everyone understands when you get tired, even in the midst of wanting to cram as much activity in especially on nice days.

I hope your upcoming Aunt and Uncle visit will be a special time for you all.

Sending Love, Val

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenn,

These dog days are a mess! Do what you can,. The Duck Boat sounds like fun.