Friday, September 28, 2007

Day Twenty Eight

Over slept today, i haven't done that in months! I usually wake up and can't get back to sleep if its around 6 or so, but today i woke up at 7:20 and thought i was dreaming. I suppose my body is really needing some sleep lately.

I had my moms car this morning so i didnt walk to the hospital, I borrowed her car so i could get to my new class i started today. Its a yoga class with a twist, involves talking, breathing and writing in a journal. Goes for 8 weeks. An early birthday present from my mom and stepdad, thank you guys!

I was feeling very disconnected in class however, not myself at all. Mostly due to the fatigue. I'm sure that by the 3rd class when i'm finished with the radiation i'll be more myself, more energetic.

Not a lot to tell about the treatment today. It was the last day i'm getting zapped in four different places. so thats a milestone. Monday i'll be having the treatments only on the incision area. I noticed some pain that seemed like it was coming from my lung, right lung or ribs, but i think its my lung. It's happened a few times in the last few days. Doesnt last too long but its a bit startling. I did read in a pamphlet about radiation that some people get a cough from the treatment. I still have the minor sore throat as well.

I was told by R that this weekend I may really feel the treatments catch up to me and i'll need to rest. Also that my skin could get worse this coming week. Its a delayed reaction, like how a sunburn can be worse the next day, really settle in. Same idea but takes a few days to kick in.

So, i'm wondering if I should continue this blog after i'm finished with my radiation. I wonder if people will still read it and care to read it afterwards? Let me know if you think I should or shouldn't continue posting. Thanks!

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Only 5 more to go!


JWL said...

yes, definitely keep posting! I read them every time you post....

Unknown said...

Yes! Please continue to post. I read every time you update too!

I guess i am a copy cat. ;)

Margo said...

Yes, please continue to post. . . like the others, I read your posts all the time since you gave your site on Leroy's blog. Good luck today!